Best Scoliosis Surgery in Germany

We connect you with the best hospitals for advanced scoliosis surgery in Germany


advanced hospitals for scoliosis surgery in Germany

Are you suffering from scoliosis or do you have a child with scoliosis?

Surgical Experts help you to find the best appropriate spine doctors and hospitals for scoliosis surgery in Germany. But let’s start from the beginning.


What is a Spinal Scoliosis


Scoliosis means unnatural sideways spinal curvature with a progressive structural spinal condition. Hence, scoliosis bends unnaturally to the side.

We would say, most people are familiar with 3 types of scoliosis, but there exist more scoliosis type that can develop:

  • Congenital scoliosis
  • Cerebral palsy scoliosis
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis
  • Idiopathic scoliosis
  • Kyphoscoliosis.


But every type of scoliosis has a different cause. For example, approx. 7 mln people are diagnosed with scoliosis in the USA.

Best Scoliosis Surgery in Germany for Children

Comparison of VBT vs Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis:


When is it too late for scoliosis surgery? Never! As scoliosis can develop and bring a lot of problems with.



VBT is a new technique and has shown promising results. What are the new advances in scoliosis surgery?

You should know that VBT is a surgical treatment for idiopathic scoliosis in growing children whose scoliosis continues to progress despite bracing.

However, “flexible scoliosis surgery” (VBT) is only suitable for children. Especially, for female teenage children when they didn’t get their period yet. Children who didn’t benefit from bracing or couldn’t tolerate bracing might be good candidates for VBT.

VBT is effective for children who have not yet reached mature heights. At what age does scoliosis stop progressing? Doctor don’t know as it belongs to the individual.


Candidates for VBT surgery:

  • Idiopathic scoliosis
  • at least 10 and not older than 16
  • female children didn’t get menstruation yet
  • no prior spine surgery

Comparison of Spinal Fusion for Scoliosis vs VBT:


Now, let’s compare VBT Surgery with Spinal Fusion. Not everybody is a candidate for VBT and can benefit from it.

However, those patients will need spinal fusion for scoliosis. For instance, if the patient is a female child and already go their menstruation, a flexible scoliosis system won’t work anymore. Because the spine (thorax) has stopped growing, As a result, this surgery is ideal for patients who have reached skeletal maturity. Leading Spine Surgeons in Germany performing scoliosis surgery already for decades and the success rate is very high.

However, spinal fusion has been refined over decades, and the success rate of very high now.

Candidates for Scoliosis Fusion Surgery:

  • the curves are greater than 65 degrees
  • children with less than 35 degrees (Risk of overcorrection)
  • weak bones which can’t support the anchors in VBT
  • previous spine surgery
  • skeletal maturity has been reached
  • female patients got menstruation already

If non of the mentioned points above match with your child, it may be a candidate for Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT). But first of all, we recommend to contact us and send us the x-ray / MRI/CT scans to do the first remote evaluation.

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About Spinal Fusion Surgery for Scoliosis

Scoliosis and Kyphosis

Book the best hospitals for scoliosis surgery


Spinal fusion of scoliosis fuses two or more vertebrae. However, this means the surgeon uses screws and rods and fixes at least 2 vertebras together. However, in most cases, the spine surgeon for scoliosis surgery has to fix between 5 and up to 13 vertebras. As the spinal column consists of individual bones called vertebrae. The surgeon places metal implants – rods and screws – to hold the spine steady while the vertebrae fuse.

A treatment options for adult scoliosis or children reduces the curve, preventing scoliosis curvature from progressing. So clearly said, spinal fusion is for a lifetime. However, it may prevent so many other health problems that might come along without surgery for scoliosis.


As soon we got your x-ray and MRI of the spine we can discuss everything with the experts for scoliosis surgery. After we connect you with one of the best hospitals for spine surgery in Germany.

Patient story of Scoliosis Fusion in Germany

See patients who had successful scoliosis surgery in Germany

Before and After Scoliosis Fusion Surgery

scoliosis before surgery - #1

scoliosis after surgery - #1

Before and After the Spinal Scoliosis Fusion Surgery

before scoliosis surgery #2

scoliosis surgery after - #2

Request Advanced Scoliosis Surgery in Germany

Get information from Germany today

Spinal Corrective Surgery of Scoliosis

German spine surgeons are better at best scoliosis surgery than others.


German scoliosis surgeons are at the edge of the world. Why is that? Because German spine surgeons receive an excellent education in advanced scoliosis surgery. Hence, a lot of patients who seek professional scoliosis surgery travel to Germany, as German spine surgeons have an excellent reputation.

However, Spine surgeons in Germany enhanced the techniques of scoliosis surgery over the years tremendously. Eventually, you find the best hospitals for scoliosis surgery in Germany. Simply request and send us your X-ray or MRI scans. After we connect you with the best hospitals for scoliosis surgery in Germany.

How much does best scoliosis surgery cost in Germany?

A quick Comparison of cost for scoliosis surgery in Germany and in the USA

Cost for a nonfusion corrective scoliosis surgery (VBT surgery) for Children in Germany:


USA: 130.000 to 175.000 US$

Germany: 85.000 to 100.000 EUR*


“Take the cost for best scoliosis surgery in Germany, which should represent an average, as an orientation. There are many variables, such as the number of spinal levels, the hardware, length of stay in the hospital, and the doctors “

Cost of Spinal Scoliosis Fusion Surgery for Adults and Children in Germany:


USA: 100.000 to 180.000 US$

Germany: 45.000 to 89.000 EUR*


“It always depends on how many levels the patients get. But you can take the represented cost as an orientation. There are many variables, such as the number of spinal levels, the hardware, length of stay in the hospital, and the doctors “

Find the best hospitals for Scoliosis Surgery in Germany

There are many doctors for scoliosis surgery who proclaim to be the best. Of course, those doctors might not be the worst ones. However, we convince you that we connect you with German spine surgeons with huge experience in scoliosis surgery.

Want to find the best German spine surgeons for scoliosis surgery? You don’t know where to start?


Get your free Cost Estimate for the best scoliosis surgery today!