Best Treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome with Stem Cells

Therapy for Asperger’s Syndrome with Stem Cells in Germany and Europe

Asperger’s Syndrome Treatment with Stem Cells


Treatment of Asperger's Syndrome with Stem Cells in Germany

Did you know?

Children with Asperger’s Syndrome can benefit from Stem cell therapy with umbilical cord blood cells!

Surgical Experts specialized in connecting parents with their children for the treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome with stem cells.

Hence, we offer the best clinics for therapies for Asperger’s Syndrome with stem cells which are certified and trusted. Doctors in Germany have a long history of treating children with Asperger’s syndrome and therapy for autism spectrum (ASD).

1.) What is Asperger’s Syndrome?


Asperger’s syndrome, which is a subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is characterized by difficulties in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. It is important to note that ASD, including Asperger’s syndrome, is a lifelong condition. However, it is possible to support individuals with Asperger syndrome in managing their challenges and maximizing their potential.

2.) Potential Treatment for Asperger Syndrome with Stem Cells in Children

Umbilical cord blood cells release neurotrophic factors that support the growth, survival, and maturation of neurons. These factors have the potential to enhance neuroprotection and stimulate the development of new neural connections. By promoting neurogenesis and enhancing brain plasticity, umbilical cord blood cells may contribute to the improvement of cognitive, social, and behavioral functioning in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Moreover, treatment of Asperger’s syndrome using umbilical cord blood is a safe and minimally invasive procedure. The stem cells will be obtained from a privately banked cord blood bank. The transplantation process involves infusing the umbilical cord blood intravenously into the patient. This method allows for easy administration and reduces the risk of complications.

In conclusion, the use of umbilical cord blood cell therapy for Aspergers syndrome with stem cells and Autism holds great promise. Through its immunomodulatory properties, regenerative capabilities, and promotion of neuroplasticity. Cord blood cells offer a potential therapeutic approach to address the core symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome.

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The leader in Stem Cell Therapy


Since 2005 Surgical Experts have helped patients to find the right clinics in Germany, Switzerland, Dubai, and Europe. Due to our extensive experience, we always connect our patients with the right doctors. If you are looking for the best treatment for your child with stem cell therapy, you are at the right address. Hence, we are the leading healthcare consultancy company when it comes to Asperger Syndrome and Autism treatment with stem cells therapy.

Our Medical Concierge Service is specially designed for our beloved clients worldwide. We offer you the most important parts a medical tourism company should be able to deliver. Please feel free to get more information about our medical concierge service in excellence.


Due to the current legal situation, stem cell therapy with umbilical cord blood is not offered and carried out in Germany. This takes place other European countries.

3.) Unraveling the Mechanisms of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells for Asperger’s Syndrome


The use of umbilical cord blood holds great promise as a potential therapy for Asperger’s syndrome with stem cells. Germany, with its strong emphasis on medical research and advancements, has emerged as a key player in investigating the therapeutic potential of umbilical cord blood cells.


Immunomodulation: Umbilical cord blood cells are known to possess strong

Immunomodulatory properties: These cells can regulate and modulate the immune system’s response, reducing inflammation and promoting an environment conducive to neural repair and regeneration. With Asperger’s Syndrome, abnormal immune system activation and neuroinflammation have been observed. The immunomodulatory capabilities of umbilical cord blood cells can help restore balance and alleviate the neuroinflammatory processes, potentially leading to improved neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration: Stem cells present in umbilical cord blood have the remarkable ability to differentiate into various cell types, including neurons and glial cells. This neurogenic potential offers the possibility of replenishing damaged or dysfunctional cells within the brain. Moreover, umbilical cord blood cells release neurotrophic factors, which support the growth, survival, and maturation of neurons. These factors can promote neuroprotection and stimulate neuroregeneration, potentially improving neural connectivity and synaptic functioning in individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome.

50 million Umbilical Cord Blood Cells per kg


According to clinical studies, the cell dose has the greatest impact on the therapeutic outcome of cord blood infusion. Only patients who got more than 25 million cells per kg showed a substantial therapeutic impact in a recent clinical trial at Duke University on children with cerebral palsy, which was mostly brought on by stroke (Kurtzberg et al; Blood 2015).

stem cell therapy for Asperger's syndrome in Germany

4.) Treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome with Stem Cells shows Promise

Umbilical Cord Blood possesses regenerative and immunomodulatory properties, which make it an intriguing avenue for potential therapeutic interventions. Here are some ways in which stem cell treatment could potentially contribute to the management of Asperger’s syndrome:


  • Neuroregeneration: Stem cells from Umbilical Cord Blood have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including neurons. This neurogenic potential offers the possibility of regenerating or repairing damaged or dysfunctional neural cells in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome. By promoting neuroregeneration, stem cell therapy could potentially improve neural connectivity and functioning, which are essential for social interaction, communication, and behavioral regulation.


  • Immunomodulation: Asperger’s syndrome, like other autism spectrum disorders, has been associated with immune dysregulation and neuroinflammation. Stem cells from Umbilical Cord Blood have demonstrated immunomodulatory properties, which could potentially help regulate the immune response and reduce neuroinflammation. By modulating the immune system, stem cell therapy may create a more favorable environment for neurodevelopment and improved outcomes in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome.


  • Neurotrophic support: Stem cells from the Umbilical Cord Blood release various growth factors and neurotrophic factors that support the growth, survival, and maturation of neurons. By providing neurotrophic support, stem cell therapy could potentially enhance neuronal function, synaptic connectivity, and plasticity, which are crucial for cognitive and social functioning in individuals with Asperger’s syndrome.

6.) What is the success rate of stem cell therapy for autism and Asperger syndrome?


The results we have by today are very promising. Some children responded after 3 weeks others after 3-6 month. So the success rate in average is approx. 85% after the treatment with umbilical cord blood.

7.) The Procedure of Asperger’s Syndrome with Stem Cells


Step 1) Contact us and send us the report of your child together with video clips, to see how it is behaving.

Step 2) The Doctors will evaluate the clips and the report to see if your child will benefit from therapy for Asperger’s syndrome with stem cells from UCB and placenta.

Step 3) Upon the doctor’s approval he will explain to you all in a video call by Whatsapp or Skype.

Step 4) Based on the blood type, they will order the CBUs (cord blood units). The treatment requires CBUs from 4-6 donors.

Step 5) You get the approval of the next possible appointment at which your child gets the cord blood infusions.

Best Clinics for Asperger’s Syndrome with Stem Cells

Find promising treatment for children with Asperger’s syndrome with umbilical cord blood from 2-16 years old


Surgical Experts specialize in connecting individuals seeking stem cell therapy for Asperger’s Syndrome in children. One groundbreaking approach they facilitate involves using umbilical cord blood. This innovative therapy has shown promising results in addressing Asperger’s Syndrome.

By partnering with top-notch doctors renowned for their expertise in this field, Surgical Experts ensure patients receive the highest quality care.

From initial consultations to personalized treatment plans, they guide individuals and their families through every step of the process.

Due to different laws in Europe, it is not possible to get treatment in every country such as Germany. This means, the treatment with take place in a clinic in Europe.


With SurgicalExperts, you can rest assured that you’re accessing cutting-edge therapies to enhance the lives of those with Asperger’s Syndrome.